光井 雄一 Yuichi Mitsui


2013 大阪大学医学部医学科 卒業

2013 大阪急性期・総合医療センター 初期研修医

2015 大阪急性期・総合医療センター 呼吸器内科 後期研修医

2018 大阪大学医学部付属病院 呼吸器内科

2019年~2023年 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 博士課程

2019年~ 大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター 自然免疫学分野(審良静男先生)

2021年~ 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 免疫学分野(佐藤荘先生)

2023年 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 免疫学分野 助教



Mitsui Y, Suzuki T, Kuniyoshi K, Inamo J, Yamaguchi K, Komuro M, Watanabe J, Edamoto M, Songling Li, Kouno T, Oba S, Hosoya T, Masuhiro K, Naito Y, Koyama S, Sakaguchi N, Daron M. Standley, Jay W. Shin, Akira S, Yasuda S, Miyazaki Y, Kochi Y, Kumanogoh A, Okamoto T, Satoh T. Expression of the readthrough transcript CiDRE in alveolar macrophages boosts SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and promotes COVID-19 severity. (2023) Immunity. 56(8);1939-1954.e12.


Hosoya T, Oba S, Komiya Y, Kawata D, Kamiya M, Iwai H, Miyamoto S, Kataoka M, Tobiume M, Kanno T, Ainai A, Sato H, Hirakawa A, Mitsui Y, Satoh T, Wakabayashi K, Yamada T, Otomo Y, Miyazaki Y, Hasegawa H, Suzuki T, Yasuda S. Apple-shaped obesity; a risky soil for cytokine-accelerated severity in COVID-19. (2023) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 30;120(22):e2300155120.


Takata S, Miyake K, Maeda D, Hatake K, Nagatomo I, Shiroyama T, Masuhiro K, Yaga M, Shirai Y, Mitsui Y, Yachida S, Kumanogoh A. Proposal of a novel pipeline involving precise bronchoscopy of distal peripheral pulmonary lesions for genetic testing. (2022) Sci Rep. 12:19774.


Yan M, Komatsu N, Muro R, Huynh NC, Tomofuji Y, Okada Y, Suzuki HI, Takaba H, Kitazawa R, Kitazawa S, Pluemsakunthai W, Mitsui Y, Satoh T, Okamura T, Nitta T, Im SH, Kim CJ, Kollias G, Tanaka S, Okamoto K, Tsukasaki M, Takayanagi H. ETS1 governs pathological tissue-remodeling programs in disease-associated fibroblasts. (2022) Nat Immunol. 23(9):1330-1341.


Kawasaki T, Sugihara F, Fukushima K, Matsuki T, Nabeshima H, Machida T, Mitsui Y, Fujimura S, Sagawa R, Gaheun L, Kuniyoshi K, Tanaka H, Narazaki M, Kumanogoh A, Akira S, Satoh T. Loss of FCHSD1 leads to amelioration of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (2021) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 29;118(26):e2019167118.


Fukushima K, Satoh T, Sugihara F, Sato Y, Okamoto T, Mitsui Y, Yoshio S, Li S, Nojima S, Motooka D, Nakamura S, Kida H, Standley DM, Morii E, Kanto T, Yanagita M, Matsuura Y, Nagasawa T, Kumanogoh A, Akira S. Dysregulated Expression of the Nuclear Exosome Targeting Complex Component Rbm7 in Nonhematopoietic Cells Licenses the Development of Fibrosis. (2020) Immunity. 52(3):542-556.e13.


Shiroyama T, Nagatomo I, Koyama S, Hirata H, Nishida S, Miyake K, Fukushima K, Shirai Y, Mitsui Y, Takata S, Masuhiro K, Yaga M, Iwahori K, Takeda Y, Kida H, Kumanogoh A. Impact of sarcopenia in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with PD-1 inhibitors: A preliminary retrospective study. (2019) Sci Rep. 9(1):2447.


Omi T, Mitsui Y, Matsunaga H. Long-acting formulation leading to severe long-term adverse effects: a case report of fluphenazine and persistent extrapyramidal symptoms. (2017) J Clin Pharm Ther. 00:1-4.


Kimura T, Nada S, Takegahara N, Okuno T, Nojima S, Kang S, Ito D, Morimoto K, Hosokawa T, Hayama Y, Mitsui Y, Sakurai N, Sarashina-Kida H, Nishide M, Maeda Y, Takamatsu H, Okuzaki D, Yamada M, Okada M, Kumanogoh A. Polarization of M2 macrophages requires Lamtor1 that integrates cytokine and amino-acid signals. (2016) Nat Commun. 12;7:13130.



Yuichi Mitsui, Ayano Kikuyama, Hiroaki Fushimi, Kiyonobu Ueno and Yoshiro Tanio. Radiological-Pathological correlation in invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma; ATS 2018, San Diego, CA, USA – May 18-23 (poster).


Yuichi Mitsui, Hiroaki Fushimi, Kiyonobu Ueno and Yoshiro Tanio. Clinicopathological profile of invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma based on evaluation of invasive components; WCLC 2017, Yokohama, Japan – October 15-18 (poster).



20172月 第105回日本肺癌学会関西支部学術集会 優秀演題